Friday, June 8, 2012

C section to Dayton Childrens

After choosing to have a C- Section things moved very fast. At least that is how I remember it. My family started to pack everything up in the room because we would not be returning after surgery. It was 7 am so it was a shift change and I got a new nurse Lauren. Lastly the anesthesiologist Steven Roberts came in and started the medication for surgery and they started moving the bed to the O.R. room. I don't think I said good bye to my parents but I know Jesse followed me down to the O.R. I do remember them telling him to change clothes while I was being prepped. 

In the O.R. they moved me onto the table which was surprisingly narrow, they put a small screen across me so that I could not see what they were doing if I looked down the table however the surgical lights were not on yet and I could look into it and it acted as a mirror so I got to watch them prep me. They started doing a test to see  how numb I was and if they could get started.(if this drug didn't do the trick they would have to put me under completely, intubation and everything to get Carter out) thankfully it did the trick!! Dr. Crouch came in and started talking to me, i remember telling him that I didn't want the play-by-play. Jesse came in a few moments later, I was glad that he was there because I was shaking so badly it was nice to have him to hold my arm still. Once Jesse sat down I think that it took ten maybe fifteen minutes to get Carter out. I wont ever forget hearing his little cry or them holding him over the sheet that covered me so that I could see him for the first time. Jesse went over with him to get cleaned up and make sure everything was fine. However the table that Carter was on with the nurse was at the end of the surgical table so poor Jesse got a eye full of my insides. Minutes later Jesse brought Carter to me, I was thankful that my arms had not been strapped down because I was able to kinda hold him with Jesse's help. After Dr. Crouch was finished  i was moved to another bed, Carter was put in my arms and we moved across the hall to recovery.

In recovery they took my vitals and I was told I would be here for two hours. Two nurses from the nursery came in and gave Carter his first bath right there at my bedside! I was surprised at how many things I was attached to. I had a compression belt across my stomach, on each of my legs I had compression things on that helped circulate my blood, a heated blanket and a few other things as well. I have no idea how they were able to put all of those things on me on the O.R. table, it was so small. Our parents were brought back to see Carter and take pictures.After Carter's bath he was wrapped up and given to me.One of the nurses mentioned that is testicles looked swollen and discolored and that the Doctor in the nursery would take a second look. This didn't bother me at the time I had read that sometimes there can be swelling after birth so i thought nothing of it.

After saying goodbye to our parents Carter and Jesse went to the nursery to be checked over. My nurse Lauren took me up to be with them as soon as my two hours in recovery were up.When I got there the Doctor was staying that the testicle looked like it was twisted and that they would do a scan to see if there was any blood flow. If there was and the testicle could be saved he would be taken to Childrens for surgery to have it repaired if there was no blood flow he would also be taken to Children's to have to removed surgically. She told us that she had already called for the scan to be done and that someone would be coming to get Carter soon.

Until the tech came to get Carter we were taken to the mother and baby unit. Once all the nurses left after setting us up Jesse and I just cried. Carter was only three hours old and now he has to have surgery no matter what the result of the test would be. We were in the room fifteen minutes before my nurse came in and said that she was going to take Carter personally to get scanned. Jesse and Carter were gone twenty minutes, I couldn't go with them because I had just had a c section. Once they were back from the scan it was maybe ten minutes before the Dr from the nursery came in and said that there looked to be a little blood flow and that it might be able to be saved. That it was an emergency and surgery would happen as soon as possible. She also told us that she had called Childrens and that the transport team was on its way. Again Jesse and I just cried. They were taking my baby and he was just hours old and now he would be having surgery that day and I was stuck at Miami Valley. My nurse Carmella came in and took a picture of the three of us, i didnt understand til later why she wanted to capture this horrific moment in my life.

Around two pm the transport team was outside our room and Jesse was signing papers that would allow Children's to move Carter to their hospital. After a few minutes I had to hand him over.Awful. There are no words to express how it felt. 

About an hour later Jesse calls and tells me that they scanned Carter again when they got him to Children's, they found that the testicle had died while Carter was still growing inside me, it could not be saved. So they moved his surgery to have it removed to Monday. Jesse was upset because Carter was not allowed to come back to Miami Valley to be with me. 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Labor with Carter

On Wednesday May 16th I had my 39 week doctor's visit. At my check up the week before I was only dilated to one centimeter, so on this day I was hoping that I would be farther then last week. My mom took me and thankful I was now two centimeters dilated  my midwife asked if I wanted her to strip my membranes, I agreed hoping that it would speed things along seeing as my due date was only three days away. After my mom dropped me back at home I started walking. Well pacing really, I walked back and forth in my living room watching T.V. for about 2 hours or so.When Jesse got home we had dinner and then took a real walk around the block.

Early in the morning of the 17th I woke up having strong period like cramping every ten minutes like clock work. This continued though out the early morning, I believe that i finally got out of bed around 7:45 or so when Jesse got up for work. I text my mom to let her know about my cramping through the night. She called soon after and after talking about it we thought it would be good for her to come to my house so that I wouldn't be alone and also to get things ready if I needed to go to the hospital. THIS was the smartest idea ever!!!

When mom got to the house we (i mean she) cleaned the house and made a list of things that I still needed to get from the store. At this time I was still feeling cramping every ten minutes or so. We went to Target to get the things on our list and had lunch at Bob Evans. Around  three or four in the afternoon my cramping totally stopped. I was so disappointed I thought that  I was really in the early stages of labor. Even though the pain had stopped I finished packing our suitcase. When Jesse came home, we talked with mom for a bit and then she headed home. We ate out at the high class Taco Bell and then headed home to settle in for the night.

On the Morning of May 18th I woke up at six am got out of bed and it became clear that my water had most likely broken. After telling Jesse we called the Doctor and she said I should go ahead and come to the hospital to check to see if it had really broken. Jesse and I got ready loaded up the car and headed to Miami Valley. I believe that we arrived at eight am or so. I was put on monitors to check Carter's heartbeat and time the contractions that I was having and my ten am we were being taken to a labor room.

Both my parents, Jesse's mom and my good friend and nurse Polly came to the hospital that morning. I was dilated to four and I thought that Carter would be here my late evening. After laboring for  six more hours without any medication and not dilating at all I chose to get an epidural and start pitocin around 5 pm that day. I began to notice that i spot on my back was really starting to hurt as if I had pulled a muscle,by midnight I thought I was dying the only way I was comfortable was sitting straight up in bed. Thankfully they upped the pain meds and I was able to nap off and on for a few more hours.

Around 4 am I think my nurse Megan checked me and I was only at eight. We tried several positions to get Carter to start moving down which did end up working. After another check there was only a tiny bit of cervix left so we tried to start pushing to see if i could push Carter passed it. We did two sessions of this each 30 minutes. Finally I was at ten we started pushing however my back was so bad now that I couldn't lay on my back, again we tried pushing every way possible. At seven am my nurse asking if I want to talk to my OB to see what options I had about delivering Carter. Dr. Crouch came a few minutes later and I chose to get a C- Section. It was the best thing for me. I has been in labor for two days,my water had been broken for 25 hours now and my back was so bad I honestly could not handle it. Jesse and our parents have been up for 24 hours they were exhausted too.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Carter Style

Are you not dying over this little man!!
So cute. I doubt that CP would let us dress is this way but i can dream right.

A Gymboree outfit from their latest spring line
B is for Bug!!

Also I love this i have nothing monogrammed..yet...
I will see if I can get something like this for Carter's hospital pictures

I dont think that I would ever put C in this but it says everything!!!

This week we go to Ikea!!! So I will try to post some pictures..

13 weeks to go!!!

Friday, February 17, 2012


This post in me complaning so beware!!!
The past few days I have just been feeling really down about things.
Mainly going to work, I hate it!!! I just want to stay home and clean or cook or do something to prepare for Carter coming. I hate that I dont get home til 830, i want to be home when Jesse gets gome to greet him and have dinner with him!!
 The other thing that I dont like about work is that I am all by my self the entire time, there is no one to talk to. I like being around people and having that interaction.
 The only thing that gets me to work is that I know with every long shift it's one day closer to when Carter comes and I can quit. Also that each pay check helps us build up our savings. Sorry that all I did is complain but i needed to get that off my chest!!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Carter's Nursery

 This Saturday I will be 26 weeks pregnant.
Mr. Syx and I registered at Target about a week ago and the dates for Carter's showers have been set. I am so looking forward to getting everything ready for him. The past few weeks i have been Slowly cleaning out the Guest bedroom, this weekend my parents are coming to help paint and organize.

The "theme" for CP's room is Dr. Seuss.

 The bedding and rug are from  Pottery Barn.
 Later this month we are making a trip to Ikea to pick up his crib and dresser.
 I am having a hard time picking... black or white Crib and dresser??

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

11 weeks

This saturday I will be 12 weeks pregnant!! woot woot
and let me tell you it has been one heck of a ride.
I was totally wrong about what I thought pregnancty was like.
I thought that I would be kinda tired and that my stomach might be a bit uneasy.
 I feel like I have mono and the morning sickness is intense my friends!!
I cant believe that a tiny person can totally change your body.

Now on to baby, at my ten week appointment. Everything looked good, another encouraging thing was that the nurse was able to find the heartbeat with the fetal monitor (sp?) this doesnt always happen at early on  because baby is so small ( so i am told) but I was sad that I did get to see him/her on an ultrasound.

I have started look at things for little one, things like a pack-n-play, carseat and highchair. I have some other things like blanket and a few outfits.

Til next time...

Monday, October 24, 2011

Happy Monday!!!

Many things are new here at the Syx House
ok Just one thing....

Our little nugget should come this May!!